Network Forensics Open-Source Vs Commercial Tools

November 03, 2021

Network Forensics Open-Source vs Commercial Tools

Looking for network forensics tools for modern cybersecurity investigations? You've come to the right place. In today's blog post, we'll compare open-source and commercial network forensic tools to determine which one is the best fit for you.

Open-Source Network Forensic Tools

Open-source network forensic tools are free and available for everyone to use. They allow users to customize and modify the tools based on their needs. Some examples of open-source network forensic tools are:

  • Wireshark
  • NetworkMiner
  • Bro Network Security Monitor
  • Security Onion
  • Snort


Wireshark is a popular open-source network protocol analyzer. It is widely used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software development, and education. Wireshark allows you to capture and analyze network traffic in real-time and display it in a user-friendly format.


NetworkMiner is a passive network forensic analysis tool that can extract files and certificates from different network traffic types. It can also parse PCAP files and recreate web pages, images, and other artifacts transferred over the network.

Bro Network Security Monitor

Bro Network Security Monitor is a powerful open-source network analysis framework. It uses a specialized domain-specific scripting language to build custom network security analysis tools. Bro provides a high-level analysis of network traffic and generates log files with detailed information about network activity.

Commercial Network Forensic Tools

Commercial network forensic tools, on the other hand, come with a price tag. They are developed and maintained by companies, and they provide support, training, and other services. Some examples of commercial network forensic tools are:

  • RSA Security Analytics
  • NetWitness
  • FireEye Network Forensics
  • Symantec Security Analytics

RSA Security Analytics

RSA Security Analytics is a network forensic tool that integrates with RSA NetWitness Endpoint, RSA Advanced Threat Defense, and RSA Archer GRC. It provides real-time visibility into all network activity to detect and respond to threats quickly.


NetWitness is a network forensic tool that provides deep packet inspection, endpoint threat detection, and log analysis. It also includes automated analysis and threat intelligence to reduce response times and improve the effectiveness of cybersecurity investigations.

FireEye Network Forensics

FireEye Network Forensics is a cloud-based network forensic tool that can collect and store unlimited amounts of network traffic data. It allows users to reconstruct network activity in great detail to investigate and respond to advanced cyber attacks.

Open-Source vs Commercial Network Forensic Tools

So, which one is better: open-source or commercial network forensic tools? The answer is not that simple. It depends on your needs, budget, and expertise. Below is a comparison table that highlights some of the pros and cons of open-source and commercial network forensic tools.

Open-Source Commercial
Pros - Free - Support
- Community support - Training
- Customizable - Integration
- Active development - Automation
Cons - Limited features - Expensive
- No support guarantee - Vendor lock-in
- Steep learning curve - Complex deployment
- No warranty - Technical issues

As you can see, both types of network forensic tools have their advantages and disadvantages. Open-source tools are free and customizable, but they may lack some features and support. Commercial tools, on the other hand, provide advanced features and support, but they come with a price tag.

In conclusion, your choice of network forensic tools depends on your specific needs and preferences. It's essential to compare different tools and evaluate their features, benefits, and costs before making a final decision.


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